The Luce Scholar Program is a cultural and experiential fellowship program built around individual internships and work/study arrangements developed by representatives of the Asia Foundation and based on the participants' career interests, qualifications, and experience. The "Luce Scholar Year" involves a commitment of thirteen months from mid-June to late-July of the following year. The program starts with a week long orientation in NYC followed by in-country language study in July and August. Individual placements commence in September and last until July of the following year. Rather than offer training for future Asia specialists, the program concentrates on providing an intensive cultural experience in Asia to young Americans from other fields who would not otherwise expect to have such an opportunity during the normal course of their careers. The Luce Scholars Program operates throughout Northeast, Southeast and South Asia with placements in Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
While some Scholars have been affiliated with Asian universities in teaching or research capacities, none of the participants is formally enrolled as a student in a college or university and no academic credit is offered. The range of assignments is extraordinarily broad. Although each Scholar's placement provides a professional venue and perspective, the assignments themselves should be viewed as a mechanism through which to gain a broader understanding and appreciation of the culture in which one is living. Specific placements have included an architectural firm in Tokyo, a forestry project in Indonesia, a training facility for public administration in Malaysia, apprenticing under a master gardener in Kyoto, a community medicine project in the Philippines, and working for a banking authority in Singapore.
Luce Scholars receive from the Luce Foundation funds to cover transportation, insurance, and a monthly stipend through the period of their participation sufficient to meet all normal expenses in Asia. Additional cost-of-living and housing allowances may be provided to participants in certain locations. Although they may occupy professional positions in Asian institutions or agencies as part of their assignment, Luce Scholars receive no compensation from their local sponsors.
Candidates must first complete an eligibility questionnaire. If eligible, they will be prompted to complete the application which includes the following:
Eligible are graduating seniors, graduate/professional students, and alumni.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Eligible are graduating seniors, recent graduates, or young professionals under the age of 32, OR if older than 32, candidates must have received their bachelor's degree within the past three years.
Applicants should have a record of high achievement, outstanding leadership ability, and clearly defined interests with evidence of potential for professional accomplishments. They should demonstrate evidence of being a leader within their profession and as a member of the broader community. Personal qualities such as initiative, creativity, maturity humility, sensitivity, and strength of character typify successful applicants.
Applicants will not be judged on the basis of whether they have developed specific plans for their Asian experience, although they may have general ideas about the kind of placement preferred. Financial need is not a criterion for selection.
Semi-finalists are invited for interviews by representatives of the Luce Foundation in November. Those selected as finalists are invited to a finalist weekend in January. The cohort of Luce Scholars will be publicly announced by early-February.