A complete application includes a project proposal; budget (including information about other possible sources of funding); resume; Yale transcript; and letter of recommendation.Your project proposal should be a personal statement of no more than two pages outlining the proposed language study, including its duration and location, the resources to be used, and institutional affiliation.When you submit your itemized budget, please be sure to list all other pending sources of funding, both within Yale and at the national/international level, to which you are applying (including the amounts).
PLEASE NOTE: your proposed project budget must conform to CEAS budget guidelines, which are available on the Council on East Asian Studies website. Please contact eastasian.studies@yale.edu with questions.
Please be sure to also upload a copy of your resume and Yale transcript (unofficial transcript is acceptable) as part of the application.The recommender you designate in the application process will receive an email message with instructions on how to submit their letter of recommendation on-line.Applicants will be notified of the results of this award competition via email and mail by mid-April.For more information, please click here or contact the Council on East Asian Studies at (203) 432-3426 or eastasian.studies@yale.edu.