Fund Details
Council on Southeast Asia Studies Grants
Award Amount
Up to $5000 for graduate students; Up to $3000 for undergraduate students
Competition Type

Brief Description:

An endowment from the Ford Foundation allows CSEAS to provide limited support for the research-related purposes of Yale University graduate (up to $5000) and undergraduate students (up to $3000) with a demonstrated commitment to the field of Southeast Asian studies (Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, East Timor, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam). Appropriate purposes for support include (but are not limited to) language training*, masters thesis summer research, pre-dissertation research field work, and funding supplements required to bring a research project to fruition. We do not fund long-term, basic dissertation research, nor do we consider applications for funding of activities connected with dissertation write-up.


  • COVID-19 and CEAS Grants
    The most up-to-date information regarding international travel and CSEAS grants can be found on the MacMillan Fellowships Covid 19 Updates website.  Because the pandemic is fast-moving, national, local, and Yale policies may change in response, so check back regularly. 
    Continuously updated information for all Yale affiliates, including graduate students, faculty, and staff, can also be found on the COVID-19 Information website. Research at Yale offers guidance for faculty and researchers at Yale during the COVID-19 outbreak.

An endowment from the Ford Foundation allows the Council on Southeast Asia Studies to provide limited support for the research-related purposes of students with a demonstrated commitment to the field of Southeast Asian Studies (i.e., Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam).

Appropriate purposes for support include (but are not limited to) language training, masters thesis summer research, pre-dissertation research field work, and funding supplements required to bring a research project to fruition. We do not fund long-term, basic dissertation research, nor do we consider applications for funding of activities connected with dissertation write-up.

Requests for funding of brief visits (< 4 weeks) to fieldwork locales are considered to be minimally productive, and will generally not be funded. The Council strongly favors study or field research durations of at least six weeks or more.

The Council expects applicants to have pursued relevant language training rather than (or in addition to) using translators and interpreters. Applicants judged to be lacking appropriate language preparation to most effectively conduct their project, along with deepening their understanding of the region and culture, will not be competitive.  Lacking that (preferred) preparation, applicants should plan and budget for formal language training during their stay in the destination country, either prior to or concurrent with conducting their project.  Documentation of this formal training may be requested.

Any graduate or undergraduate student currently enrolled at Yale may apply. Applicants who will graduate before the proposed project takes place will not be funded.

Application Information:

Deadline for submission of 2024 Summer applications (including all supporting materials and recommendation letters) will be February 29, 2024 (02:00 P.M.).  Applications for academic 2024/2025 semester projects should also be submitted at this time. We will consider applications for up to $5000 for graduate students and up to $3,000 for undergraduate students, in keeping with our effort to provide minimal funding for training and research necessary to a student's program and otherwise not available. 

Please expect to include the following in each application:

Project proposal (~2 pages) succinctly specifying the request, and justifying its importance. Project proposals should: (a) clearly state the planned dates of the project; (b) provide some background on the topic, indicating its significance and demonstrating the applicant’s understanding of the relevant contexts; (c) describe the methods to be used when carrying out the project along with the applicant’s experience with or plan for learning the proposed methods. 

Special note on projects that propose working with people: Projects involving research with human subjects, including interviews, photography, video, and recording of any sort, should provide some discussion of ethical considerations, including how study participants will be recruited and how the researcher will maintain high ethical standards for the research. Students should also review the General FAQs for Student Research to understand whether their research is subject to review by the Yale Human Subjects Protection Program. In all cases where applicants will be involved with interviewing or documenting the activities of living people, applicants should always add a short discussion of the ethical principles that inform their proposed work, even if they believe that their project does not need to undergo a human subject review based on the criteria in the General FAQs.

Please calculate your budget carefully: post-award revisions in total amount are not permitted.

We expect other sources of funding to be pursued before and/or in addition to CSEAS application if possible, and such effort will be considered positively by the award selection committee. As the best strategy for acquiring full funding, we recommend that students request maximum allowable amounts in all applications, rather than dividing their total budget among potential funding sources. (See CSEAS-Yale Overlaps for information and recommendations regarding Multiple Yale Awards Overlap process). 

NOTE TO UNDERGRADUATES: If you are applying for an International Summer Award (ISA) during the grant period, full disclosure is required.   Please include this information in the project description of your CSEAS application.  CIPE considers study abroad programs to be the student's "primary activity" when ISA support is provided.  If your CSEAS fellowship application is for a separate research project to be carried out while you are concurrently enrolled in a summer study abroad program, please clarify your ability to do both within the same time frame, along with all potential budget/funding overlaps. 

AWARD NOTIFICATIONS AND REPORTS: Subsequent to submission of your application to CSEAS, please notify the SEAS office regarding final outcomes of any and all other pending grant applications as they become known (including ISA). Should full funding or over-funding of total project budgets occur, you will be expected to decline or reimburse any CSEAS award amounts over that total.

The Council recommends that all applicants who may be working with human subjects carefully consider whether their project requires a review.  The Council may request a review as a condition of an award (See "Restrictions to Use of Award" section below for additional information).

We hope to notify applicants of the awards on or before May 1.

Please see for additional information regarding the application and award process for this fellowship.

Questions - contact Ei Ei Khin, Southeast Asia Studies Program Manager at 432-3431 /

Restrictions to Use of Award:

IMPORTANT NOTE: All undergraduate students must adhere to the Yale University International Travel Policy. For more information go to

HUMAN SUBJECTS: Should you be awarded SEAS funds, please submit necessary IRB review applications as soon as possible, and promptly submit IRB review results via the Student Grants Database.  DELAYS IN CONFIRMATION OF IRB EXEMPTION OR APPROVAL COULD MEAN DELAY IN RELEASE OF YOUR FELLOWSHIP FUNDS.

**Should you fail to undertake or complete your project as planned and presented in your application, immediate notification is required.  Full or partial return of awarded funds may be expected.

Links to Additional Information:

Yale Southeast Asia Studies Student Grant information:

Yale College Fellowship Budget preparation suggestions:

Undergraduates seeking Yale credit for summer language study abroad, see

ALL STUDENTS are encouraged to REGISTER their travel in case of emergency. See Yale Travel Registration site:

Contact Information:

For questions about this application, please contact Ei Khin at

Search Filters:

Current Year of Study
  • First-Year Student
  • Sophomore
  • Junior
  • Master’s Student
  • JD
  • MD
  • PhD Pre-Candidacy
  • PhD Post-Candidacy
    Term of Award
    • Summer
    • Spring
    • Fall
    • Academic Year
      Grant or Fellowship Purpose
      • Language Study
      • Project
      • Research
      • Senior Research Project or Senior Essay
        Global Region or Country
        • -- Cambodia (Southeast Asia)
        • -- Indonesia (Southeast Asia)
        • -- Laos (Southeast Asia)
        • -- Malaysia (Southeast Asia)
        • -- Myanmar (Southeast Asia)
        • -- Philippines (Southeast Asia)
        • -- Singapore (Southeast Asia)
        • -- Thailand (Southeast Asia)
        • -- Timor-Leste (Southeast Asia)
        • -- Vietnam (Southeast Asia)
        • -- Papua New Guinea (Melanesia Micronesia & Polynesia)
          Citizenship Status
          • U.S. citizens are eligible
          • Non-U.S. citizens are eligible
            Current FAS Graduate School Discipline
            • GS A&S Humanities - American Studies
            • GS A&S Humanities - Classics
            • GS A&S Humanities - Comparative Literature
            • GS A&S Humanities - East Asian Languages and Literatures
            • GS A&S Humanities - English Lang & Lit
            • GS A&S Humanities - Film Studies
            • GS A&S Humanities - French
            • GS A&S Humanities - Germanic Languages and Literatures
            • GS A&S Humanities - History
            • GS A&S Humanities - History of Art
            • GS A&S Humanities - History of Medicine and Science
            • GS A&S Humanities - Italian Lang & Lit
            • GS A&S Humanities - Medieval Studies
            • GS A&S Humanities - Music
            • GS A&S Humanities - Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
            • GS A&S Humanities - Philosophy
            • GS A&S Humanities - Religious Studies
            • GS A&S Humanities - Renaissance Studies
            • GS A&S Humanities - Slavic Languages and Literatures
            • GS A&S Humanities - Spanish and Portuguese
            • GS A&S Science - Applied Mathematics
            • GS A&S Science - Astronomy
            • GS A&S Science - Biological and Biomedical Sciences
            • GS A&S Science - Biostatistics
            • GS A&S Science - Cell Biology
            • GS A&S Science - Cellular and Molecular Physiology
            • GS A&S Science - Chemistry
            • GS A&S Science - Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
            • GS A&S Science - Computer Science
            • GS A&S Science - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
            • GS A&S Science - Engineering and Applied Science
            • GS A&S Science - Epidemiology and Public Health
            • GS A&S Science - Experimental Pathology
            • GS A&S Science - Forestry and Environmental Studies
            • GS A&S Science - Genetics
            • GS A&S Science - Geology and Geophysics
            • GS A&S Science - Immunobiology
            • GS A&S Science - Investigative Medicine
            • GS A&S Science - Mathematics
            • GS A&S Science - Microbiology
            • GS A&S Science - Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry
            • GS A&S Science - Molecular; Cellular and Developmental Biology
            • GS A&S Science - Neurobiology
            • GS A&S Science - Neuroscience
            • GS A&S Science - Pharmacology
            • GS A&S Science - Physics
            • GS A&S Social Science - African American Studies
            • GS A&S Social Science - African Studies
            • GS A&S Social Science - Anthropology
            • GS A&S Social Science - Archaeological Studies
            • GS A&S Social Science - East Asian Studies
            • GS A&S Social Science - Economics
            • GS A&S Social Science - European and Russian Studies
            • GS A&S Social Science - International and Development Economics
            • GS A&S Social Science - International Relations
            • GS A&S Social Science - Linguistics
            • GS A&S Social Science - Management
            • GS A&S Social Science - Political Science
            • GS A&S Social Science - Psychology
            • GS A&S Social Science - Sociology
            • GS A&S Social Science - Statistics
              Current Professional School Discipline
              • School of Architecture All
              • Arc - M. Architecture I
              • Arc - M. Architecture II
              • Arc - M. Environmental Design
              • School of Art All
              • Art - Graphic Design
              • Art - Painting/Printmaking
              • Art - Photography
              • Art – Sculpture
              • School of Divinity All
              • Div - M. Divinity
              • Div - M.A. Religion
              • Div - S.T.M.
              • School of Drama All
              • Dra - M. Fine Arts
              • Dra - D. Fine Arts
              • School of Epidemiology and Public Health All
              • EPH - Biostatistics
              • EPH - Chronic Disease Epidemiology
              • EPH - Environmental Health Sciences
              • EPH - Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases
              • EPH - Global Health
              • EPH - Health Management
              • EPH - Health Policy and Administration
              • EPH - Social and Behavioral Sciences
              • Yale School of the Environment
              • FES - M. Environmental Management
              • FES - M. Environmental Science
              • FES - M. Forest Science
              • FES - M. Forestry
              • FES - Ph.D
              • School of Law All
              • Law - M.S.L
              • Law - LL.M
              • Law - JD
              • Law - J.S.D
              • School of Management All
              • SOM (MBA) - Finance
              • SOM (MBA) - Leadership
              • SOM (MBA) - Marketing
              • SOM (MBA) - Nonprofit Management
              • SOM (MBA) - Operations Management
              • SOM (MBA) - Public Management
              • SOM (MBA) - Strategy
              • SOM (PhD) - Accounting
              • SOM (PhD) - Finance
              • SOM (PhD) – Marketing
              • School of Medicine All
              • YSM - M.D.
              • YSM - Ph.D
              • School of Music All
              • Mus - M. Music
              • Mus - M. Musical Arts
              • Mus - D. Musical Arts
              • School of Nursing All
              • Nur - M.S.N.
              • Nur - D.N.Sc.