Fund Details
Georges Lurcy Travel Fellowship for Research in France
Award Amount
Competition Type

Brief Description:

The Georges Lurcy Trust will provide one fellowship during the academic year to a Yale Graduate or Doctoral student of exceptional merit whose dissertation addresses an aspect of French Studies and requires a year of research in Europe, specifically France.


The Georges Lurcy Trust will provide one fellowship during the academic year to a Yale Graduate or Doctoral student of exceptional merit whose dissertation addresses an aspect of French Studies and requires a year of research in Europe, specifically France. The amount of the stipend for is expected to cover a twelve month period.

Application Information:

Applicants must register for this competition using the Yale Grants & Fellowships database and upload the following application materials directly to the database in advance of the submission deadline.
  • Dissertation abstract, if a PhD student (up to five pages, double-spaced), including a justification of methodology and potential contribution to the field
  • Detailed plan regarding specific dissertation research and writing to be completed in France during the fellowship (up to one page, double-spaced)
  • Academic CV
  • Attestation of sufficient language proficiency (see FAQ #7).
  • A copy of your most recent transcript (unofficial transcripts are acceptable, but if awarded an official transcript will be required (Yale +any other universities attended).
In addition, the applicant will need to indicate the names and e-mail addresses of two Yale faculty members (including the dissertation advisor) who will provide letters of reference. Students should post this information to the database at least three weeks in advance of the submission deadline to allow the faculty adequate time to provide references.

Supplemental Material: Dissertation abstract (if applicable).

Special Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants must be working on an aspect of French Studies that requires a year of research in France. Applicants field of study should ideally have contemporary relevance such as the French healthcare system, French pre-kindergarten education, how French society is dealing with its various ethnic populations and other modern French political, legal and social issues. Applicants must have advanced to candidacy by the application deadline. Applicants must be citizens of the United States. The Lurcy Fellows must be in good academic standing. Doctorate students must be registered in the fourth, fifth or sixth year of study during the terms in which he or she will hold the fellowship.

Restrictions to Use of Award:

The Lurcy Fellow is expected to be in residence in France for the duration of the fellowship and may not under any circumstance accept teaching appointments, additional fellowships or employment within that time.

Links to Additional Information:

MacMillan Fellowship Office hosts Zoom Info Sessions on academic year and summer funding opportunities for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students throughout the academic year. You can find dates and times on our website.

MacMillan Center Travel Policies and Resources

Contact Information:

For questions about this application, please contact Anja Koirala at

Search Filters:

Current Year of Study
  • PhD Pre-Candidacy
  • PhD Post-Candidacy
    Term of Award
    • Academic Year
      Grant or Fellowship Purpose
      • Project
      • Research
      • Dissertation Support
        Global Region or Country
        • -- France (Western Europe)
          Citizenship Status
          • U.S. citizens are eligible
            Current FAS Graduate School Discipline
            • GS A&S Humanities - American Studies
            • GS A&S Humanities - Classics
            • GS A&S Humanities - Comparative Literature
            • GS A&S Humanities - East Asian Languages and Literatures
            • GS A&S Humanities - English Lang & Lit
            • GS A&S Humanities - Film Studies
            • GS A&S Humanities - French
            • GS A&S Humanities - Germanic Languages and Literatures
            • GS A&S Humanities - History
            • GS A&S Humanities - History of Art
            • GS A&S Humanities - History of Medicine and Science
            • GS A&S Humanities - Italian Lang & Lit
            • GS A&S Humanities - Medieval Studies
            • GS A&S Humanities - Music
            • GS A&S Humanities - Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
            • GS A&S Humanities - Philosophy
            • GS A&S Humanities - Religious Studies
            • GS A&S Humanities - Renaissance Studies
            • GS A&S Humanities - Slavic Languages and Literatures
            • GS A&S Humanities - Spanish and Portuguese
              Current Professional School Discipline
              • FES - Ph.D
              • Law - J.S.D