Fund Details
Fox International Fellowships Application for Outgoing Yale Students
Award Amount
Competition Type

Brief Description:

The Fox International Fellowships at the MacMillan Center provide research fellowships through exchanges with the Freie University of Berlin, Sidney Sussex College at Cambridge University, El Colegio de Mexico, Fudan University in Shanghai, Moscow State University*, Sciences Po University in Paris, the University of Tokyo, Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, University of Cape Town in South Africa, Bogazici University in Istanbul, University of Sao Paulo in Brazil, Tel Aviv University in Israel*, University of Ghana, Ghana, National University Singapore, Singapore, University of Melbourne, Australian National University, University of British Columbia, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School, and University of San Andrés, Argentina. 

*In April 2022, the Fox Intentional Fellowship announced that Yale University would suspend our institutional exchange partnership with Lomonosov Moscow State University. In addition, for the 2025-2026 academic year, our exchange partnership with Tel Aviv has been temporarily suspended. 


A Fox International Fellow's research should be a serious, scholarly contribution to their chosen field. At the same time, Fox International Fellows should have the kind of maturity and skills which demonstrate leadership potential. The Fellowship award will cover the recipient's round-trip travel, and provide a stipend for basic living expenses while in residence at the selected University. Support for research-related travel to other cities or institutions may be provided in direct support of the research project. The exact amount of the stipend will be adjusted to supplement resources from personal or other sources available to the Fox Fellow.

The objective of the Fox International Fellowship Program is to identify and help develop potential world-class statesmen and women who may participate in guiding the world toward a peaceful order in the 21st century. The exchange is made possible by the generosity of Joseph Carrere Fox ('38) and his wife, Alison Barbour Fox, whose commitment to encouraging better understanding between the US and other countries led them to offer support for exchanges between Yale and leading universities worldwide.

The Fellowships will support one academic year of independent research projects including, but not limited to the following fields:
  • International relations
  • Global affairs
  • Environmental policy
  • Public health
  • Business and Finance
  • Social sciences
  • Economics
  • Political science
  • Law
  • Contemporary history
For more information visit the Fox International Fellowship website.

Informational Session will be held on: 
Friday, October 11, 2024, 12:00 pm -
Friday, November 15, 2024, 12:00 pm -
Friday, January 17, 2025, 12:00 pm -
Friday, February 7, 2025, 12:00 pm -

Application Information:


Application Guidelines:
1.The proposed research must focus on a topic related to international relations and global affairs, environmental policy, public health, business and finance, social sciences, economics, political science, law, and contemporary history, with preference for topics of contemporary, applied and/or institutional relevance to enhancing the world’s peace and prosperity.
2.The candidate must demonstrate both excellence in relevant coursework as well as strong evidence of research ability in the field of endeavor they are proposing as their Fox Fellowship project.
3. Students in doctoral programs shall normally have finished their course work. Students in masters or graduate professional programs shall have administrative approval to interrupt their course work. Graduating master students and graduating seniors are eligible to apply.
4. Fox International Fellows are selected on the basis of character, intellect, and demonstrated leadership. Students must demonstrate a personal commitment to being a "citizen ambassador."
5.Candidates for Fox Fellowships must demonstrate sufficient mastery of national or regional language skills relevant to their research projects as well as to thrive in the local and larger communities of the Fox Exchange partner university. For English-speaking countries with strong local or regional language bases, candidates with evidence of familiarity and interests in those languages, as relevant to their research and larger cultural engagement, may receive some competitive preference, e.g. for Legon, Ghana (Twi or Akan), Cape Town, South Africa (isiXhosa/isiZulu or Afrikaans); New Delhi, India (Hindi, Gujarati). Students without these language skills are also welcome to apply.

Application Materials:
1. A written research proposal specify the following (Max 1200 words):
  • Research Agenda: Tell us about your research project and its central ideas.
  • Methodological approach.
  • What led you to choose this research project in particular? Please concisely describe the motivations (both personal and academic) that lead you to pursue this research.
  • What is new or surprising about your research?
  • What impact could your research have on future public policy debate?
  • Resources needed at the partner institution (e.g. specific libraries, archives, institutes and/or scholars) 
  • Identify three faculty members you would like to work with.
2. A narrative addressing your leadership potential (include information on any leadership roles you have undertaken) and commitment to being a “citizen ambassador” (Max 450 words).
3. Attestation of sufficient language proficiency
4. Two letters of recommendation from Yale faculty members.
5. Your CV.
6. Transcript of your grades (unofficial transcripts are acceptable).

Applicants may be asked to come in for an interview.

Notifications of awards will be made by late April.

Special Eligibility Requirements:

For Berlin, Istanbul, Mexico City, Moscow, Paris, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Shanghai, and Tokyo students must demonstrate sufficient language proficiency (Intermediate level) to complete their research program and to communicate directly with their hosts and peers.

Restrictions to Use of Award:



IMPORTANT NOTE: All undergraduate students must adhere to the Yale University International Travel Policy. For more information go to

At this time graduating students are not eligible for the UK, due to the visa restrictions.

Yale University policy requires that certain types of research projects involving human subjects be reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to the start of the study to ensure that the project meets University Policy and any other applicable regulations. To see if your project needs to be reviewed, for advice on working with human subjects, and for more information about the IRB process and requirements go to

Links to Additional Information:

For questions about the Fox Fellowship, please contact:

Contact Information:

For questions about this application, please contact Julia Muravnik at

Search Filters:

Current Year of Study
  • Senior
  • Master’s Student
  • JD
  • PhD Post-Candidacy
    Term of Award
    • Academic Year
      Grant or Fellowship Purpose
      • Project
      • Research
      • Dissertation Support
        Global Region or Country
        • -- Ghana (Western Africa)
        • -- South Africa (Southern Africa)
        • -- China (East Asia)
        • -- India (South Asia)
        • -- Japan (East Asia)
        • -- Singapore (Southeast Asia)
        • -- Denmark (Northern Europe)
        • -- France (Western Europe)
        • -- Germany (Central Europe)
        • -- United Kingdom (Western Europe)
        • -- Argentina (South America)
        • -- Brazil (South America)
        • -- Mexico (Mexico)
        • -- Turkey (Middle East)
        • -- Canada (North America)
        • -- Australia (Australia & New Zealand)
          Current FAS Graduate School Discipline
          • GS A&S Humanities - Comparative Literature
          • GS A&S Humanities - East Asian Languages and Literatures
          • GS A&S Humanities - Film Studies
          • GS A&S Humanities - French
          • GS A&S Humanities - Germanic Languages and Literatures
          • GS A&S Humanities - History
          • GS A&S Humanities - History of Art
          • GS A&S Humanities - History of Medicine and Science
          • GS A&S Humanities - Italian Lang & Lit
          • GS A&S Humanities - Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
          • GS A&S Humanities - Religious Studies
          • GS A&S Humanities - Slavic Languages and Literatures
          • GS A&S Humanities - Spanish and Portuguese
          • GS A&S Social Science - African Studies
          • GS A&S Social Science - Anthropology
          • GS A&S Social Science - East Asian Studies
          • GS A&S Social Science - Economics
          • GS A&S Social Science - European and Russian Studies
          • GS A&S Social Science - International and Development Economics
          • GS A&S Social Science - Linguistics
          • GS A&S Social Science - Management
          • GS A&S Social Science - Political Science
          • GS A&S Social Science - Sociology
          • GS A&S Social Science - Statistics
            Current Professional School Discipline
            • School of Epidemiology and Public Health All
            • EPH - Environmental Health Sciences
            • EPH - Global Health
            • Yale School of the Environment
            • FES - M. Environmental Management
            • FES - M. Environmental Science
            • FES - Ph.D
            • Jackson School (MPP)
            • Law - LL.M
            • Law - JD
            • Law - J.S.D
            • School of Management All